A selection of 10 songs that have been listened to girls in the '80s and '90s
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Those songs are still being listened to. And they will not lose their relevance for a long time to come. If you ask the audience about the reasons why they love the music of the 80-90s, most of the answers will probably be something like this: "It's soulful. Indeed, in the age of continuous computerisation we often lack that cosy mood, which is created sometimes by the simple sound of "live" instruments and sincere voices of performers. So, a time ago - 10 popular compositions from the not so distant past.
Alexander Barykin - Bouquet

The nationwide fame came to Alexander Barykin in 1987, after the release of "Bouquet". Although before that the musician had been working hard and fruitfully, he recorded a mini-record with Vladimir Kuzmin back in 1981.
The author himself recalled that the hit was created quite quickly. The music was easy to write. At that time, Alexander was seriously interested in Russian poetry. In a bookshop, a collection of Rubtsov's poems caught his attention. One of the poems, "Bouquet", "went" from the first reading. The singer immediately sat down to write notes and in 15 minutes already played on the guitar the motive of the future hit song. Interestingly, some fans attributed the composition to "Afghan" songs for some reason.
Boney M. - Ma baker

The famous band appeared in the FRG in 1975. And in 1978 they came to Moscow and even got permission to film a music video on Red Square.
And the song "Ma baker" came about this way. Frank Farian, the producer of the band, came across a book about gangs in the USA. There was a chapter in it about a group headed by a woman known as Mama Barker. In the early 30's, this lady and her four sons were a menace to American banks. This story is what inspired Frank to create a hit song written with Hans Maier.
Ladybird - Granite Pebble.

Not a single disco of the second half of the 90s could do without this groovy, rhythmic song. Critics accused the authors of plagiarism. But people did not go into legal subtleties and just enjoyed the melody and easy, catchy lyrics. And in backyard companies, young men who could play "Granitniy Kamushek" on the guitar became local idols, about whom the girls of the whole neighbourhood sighed.
♪ Car-Man, ciao, bambino ♪

"Kar-Man were the first male duo in the USSR to perform incendiary dance compositions of their own composition. They were considered the gurus of Russian "techno". And the music video for the song "Ciao, bambino" is still interesting to watch. Despite some primitivism, it significantly wins in comparison with some modern computer video productions.
C.C. Catch - Strangers by night

German singer of Dutch origin Caroline Katharina Müller is known by this pseudonym. The song "Strangers by night" was included in the singer's 1986 debut album, the lyrics and music for which were written by Dieter Bohlen himself. The composition was considered one of the best on the disc. And the disc itself became platinum in Germany. The singer's image (almond-shaped expressive eyes, leather jacket) was carefully copied by Soviet girls, for whom Caroline was an idol.
Savage - Goodbye

Robertino Zanetti, better known as the representative of the Italian disco of the 80s Savage, did not intend to build a musical career. At the age of 14, he simply enrolled in a piano course. But having touched music once, he never parted with it again.
The singer's debut album "Tonight" was released in 1984 and immediately became popular. And the super hit "Goodbye" appeared in 1989. To this day, Robertino still performs it as an encore in his performances, which, as many years ago, gather thousands of fans.
Natalie - The wind from the sea blew

Afisha magazine recognised the song as the most memorable hit of the first post-Soviet decade (1991-2000). Natalie herself recalls that she first picked up a guitar at the age of 11. At summer camp she heard "Wind from the sea blew", quickly learnt its three chords and from the age of 13 performed it at events and simply in companies. To this day, the song is adored by all the beautiful half of the country, regardless of age. So the hit can be safely awarded the honourable title of "the main female table song".
Mirage - Music has bound us together

If today's concert of 80s stars does not feature "Music Binds Us", we can consider it a failure. The hit is perfectly accepted by all generations. And at the time of its release, it was a protest anthem for young people who were all into music and tried to imitate their idols.
# White roses

For promoting "Laskovy May", Andrei Razin could have been given People's Artist or put in prison. But people are grateful to him, first of all, for his hits, among which "White Roses" occupies a special place. No other song neither before nor after it caused such a violent reaction among teenagers. At concerts during its performance, Shatunov's fans drowned out the singer's voice, smearing make-up on their faces, which had swollen from tears. Those girls have grown up, but if they come to a concert of the grown-up Yuri, the situation is bound to repeat itself.
Yevgeny Belousov - My blue-eyed girl

Zhenya Belousov was called the last romantic of the century. Although the musician himself did not like his stage image all his short, unfortunately, life. He was fond of rock, cars, was not afraid to stand up for his loved ones, and knew about weapons.
The singer has repeatedly said in interviews: he strongly regrets that the audience perceives him as he is on stage. That is, a smarmy guy with a soulful voice and unpretentious songs.
But millions of girls were in love with just such a Zhenya. And he sang in such a way that each of his admirers thought that it was her to whom he was addressing: "My blue-eyed girl, tell me that you love me...". And millions of girls' lips whispered: "Yes, Zhenya, I love you...".