Unique voices in rock music! Part Two
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Every masterpiece creates a unique, inimitable and incomparable sound that gets you shivering from the first minute. In today's article you will find an interesting selection, namely - "Top 10 unique voices in the history of rock!". Let's go!
Ian (Ian) Gillan

The incomparable Ian Gillan has sung a great many timeless rock 'n' roll anthems! His unique voice can rightly be called golden in the exuberant 70's. The singer's extraordinary range allowed him to move freely from powerful aggression to extremely high frequencies, which became Deep Purple's trademark. His voice is not just a mesmerising sound. It embodies a whole era, which gave birth to the trends and traditions of heavy rock.
Speaking of Gillan himself, we note that his vocal abilities have become specifically recognisable. They are unique. Deep Purple fans know that Ian is considered one of the strongest rock'n'roll masters of chest vocals. You can study the whole history of world music, but you will find only a few talented musicians who, having devoted most of their creativity to heavy guitars, successfully and easily manage to compile styles, harmoniously combining classics with hard rock. And Ian Gillan is one of them.
Noddy Holder

Noddy Holder is one of the main favourites in the top of reference rock vocalists! His velvety and so exciting voice has forever remained a trademark of legendary Slade and golden rock'n'roll 70s. Just remember the famous "Ooh La La in L.A."
It's enough to listen to the first verse to conclude without exaggeration: Holder really has a signature sound, and that's an undeniable fact. It's hardly possible to confuse him with anyone else... It's not for nothing that after his solo career he was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his success in show business. And in 2007 he was one of the three celebrities who were honoured with their own star on the Birmingham Walk of Stars.
Robert Plante

Robert Plant's voice is something unimaginable, as if from another world! No one can recreate the timbre and sound that the performer has been charming his fans and simply music lovers with good taste for many years. He is the only one who can shout with a tearful voice or perform a song so softly that a shiver involuntarily runs through the body... Without exaggeration, Robert Plant's voice is one of the most important in the history of world rock!
Millions have tried to imitate him, but even his truly talented followers have not been able to come close to the style of the legendary rock icon. Indeed, there are not many vocalists with such a wide range and such a masterful ability to take extremely high notes, and as if without much effort. His trademark "howl" has become the gold standard not only of his era, but also of his modern followers. However, the original does not tolerate duplicates, so it is unlikely that there will ever be a second such...
Robert Plant: "I wanted my voice to be a tenor saxophone. I wanted to be Coleman Hawkins. I wanted to be Dexter Gordon...".
Ronnie James Dio

Ronnie Dio is rightfully considered one of the outstanding rock singers of all times and peoples, and this is not the private opinion of fans of the legendary musician, but the point of view of the world's leading publications and colleagues of the singer. In one of the interviews Tony Iommi admitted that it was a great honour for him to perform with the rock'n'roll icon side by side on the same stage. He called Dio a star among stars, a great talent, a true professional, and his voice - magical and incredible.
Even Ritchie Blackmore admitted, "Ronnie's voice is wonderful and truly unique, and the entire rock and roll world will miss him greatly."
And the legendary Scorpions dedicated their acclaimed ballad "Send Me an Angel" to the iconic vocalist at one of their concerts, recognising that Dio was the greatest musician....
Reviewers of Dio's latest albums on Allmusic believe that, unlike most other rock singers, Ronnie has not lost his voice with age, which speaks for itself!
Freddie Mercury

The incomparable and inimitable Freddie Mercury was the owner of one of the most recognisable and unique voices not only in the history of rock, but of world music in general! The artist perfectly mastered the technique of subharmonics, which is very popular in throat singing. It was this technique that allowed the singer to fully control his voice. Curiously enough, Mercury himself never considered his vocal abilities to be something incredible.
In an interview Brian May recalled: "One day we were rehearsing A Kind Of Magic before a performance at Wembley, and Freddie suddenly said, 'You're playing it too high, I can't do that!'" We tell him we're playing the same as always, in the normal key, and he's sung it a hundred times before, to which he said: "Well, to hell with you, sing it yourself!" So Roger and I did, and he mocked our bleating for a year!"
Freddie became the greatest rock star of all time. His immortal masterpiece "Bohemian Rhapsody" was recognised as the "Best Song of the Millennium", and the single "We Are The Champions" remains the main unofficial anthem of the winners of various competitions even after so many years. In September 2016, one of the asteroids in the main asteroid belt was named in honour of the iconic artist.