What it was like: 1,000 people performed the legendary "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" - legendary hit Nirvanawhich has been forever imprinted on the pages of world rock. This composition has not lost its relevance in the decades since its release. It still touches people's hearts, inspires them and makes them feel young. No wonder that the song is often sung by different artists, but it is also performed in large arenas and stadiums. And now, in 2019 the year a real miracle happened: 1,000 people performed the legendary "Smells Like Teen Spirit" in unison! Perhaps the man himself Kurt Cobain smiled from heaven, looking at how great his brainchild had become over the years....
A historically significant moment for all Nirvana fans took place 29 June 2019. in Paris at the stadium "Stade de France"! The project, which first emerged from a spontaneous idea in 2015, was called "Rockin'1000.". The bottom line is simple, and the title speaks for itself: 1,000 musicians - a huge crowd of guitarists, drummers, bassists and vocalists - performing iconic rock hits! All together, on the same field, in unison... And it's really a fabulous sight.
A clear illustration of how music brings people together. The video of this amazing performance has racked up over one million views in a few years. Commentators delighted as much as the spectators in the stands:
"Watching the synchronisation of the drummers is so satisfying..."
"Kurt would have loved it. But he'd probably say, "You're all crazy!"
"I love that each musician had their own style!"
"I only have one problem with this amazing show, I wasn't invited!"
"My soul dances in my body. Drummers with the ear of God!"

It is hard to imagine how much time it took to prepare such a large-scale show. By the way: within the framework of one concert "Rockin'1000." perform more than one song! So, in addition to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" The musicians delighted the audience with hits from other rock giants - from AC/DC before Led Zeppelin!
There's no arguing about it: it's truly one of the most legendary pieces of music. 21st century show.