Boris Grebenshchikov - Fuck off Babylon (2020)
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The passions after "Evening M" have not subsided yet, and Boris Grebenshchikov has raised a new wave of battles in the network. And he chose the right time to upload the clip for the song "Get Out Babylon" to the Net - 31 December. For three days the video has collected more than 600 thousand views. And steadily gaining momentum. On forums the clip has become the most discussed topic. What is so murderous in the next scandalous work of BG?
In the shot, Boris appears either as a young patriarch or as a rapper tapping a simple rhythm on his keyboard. It is clear that everything here is symbolic. Under the image one can easily guess a representative of youth, on whose behalf the maestro conducts his song monologue. This is confirmed by children's voices singing the refrain. And at the same time the performer pokes at the instrument with unbending fingers. A clear allusion to someone who is at the helm, but does not know how to steer.
Grebenshchikov's message is clothed in the biblical subject so beloved by him. But BG never uses ancient themes without subtext. "Fuck Off Babylon" was no exception. YouTube users saw prophecies and metaphors in almost every word.
A new BG song:
Half of the comments boil down to the fact that Grebenshchikov's song has every chance of becoming the anthem of the all-Russian protest movement in the coming year. There were many who admitted that they listened to the song standing up, not even wiping away tears. We would like to remind you that the clip was "uploaded" on 31 December, when the country had already started celebrating.
The other half of the listeners were excited to recognise the Russian president in the main lines of the song, exercising in wit. They did not go into a detailed analysis, as opponents of BG and supporters of the song's addressee, respectively, came to the discussion. And the battle boiled over.
The meaning of the composition
Meanwhile, I wonder what Boris Borisovich wanted to say, for example, with his words about the patriarch and the bride? What and where should she hang? It seems that Grebenshikov is referring to the parable in which ten virgins were waiting for the bridegroom (Christ), having prepared lamps to light his way. The musician concludes that the lamp will not be useful, as the bridegroom (Christ) will not come. It is interesting that while saying these words Grebenshchikov crosses himself and as if shows the road to the left. They say that the official religion of Russia leads to the wrong road.

Well, Babylon seems to be cited in the song as a symbol of a state that has subjugated many nations and is on the verge of decline. But in spite of this, it continues to suppress the desire for freedom of the entire population and is based only on militarism in its opposition to the rest of the world: "put a soldier in everyone's bed", "we'll kill everyone else".
And all together it sounds like an appeal to the head of state on behalf of a well-known wandering shaman who never reached Moscow.
Well, everyone has the right to his point of view. Both those who have already put "Get Out Babylon" on their ringtone, and those who again accuse BG of working off some grants. But if the authorities don't respond to this song, they will disappoint both the first and the second, having disrupted the show that took place on TV, in the press and on the Internet after the release of "Evening M". And after all Boris Borisovich tried very hard. For everyone.