The story behind the song "Coincidance" that trended on TikTok!
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"Coincidance" is a song by James Manzello and Matt Pavich that has become a mega-popular trend on TikTok! The duo, who are familiar to Western audiences from their show Joking Off on MTV2, have taken social media by storm by releasing a summer dance hit! Yes, 'Coincidance' sings about dancing: it's a humorous and instantly memorable song that you've probably heard a million times on TikTok!
The anthem "Wow You Can Really Dance" has prompted thousands of Internet users to take part in a trend, the essence of which is simple: demonstrate your best dance moves on social networks to this sound! The famous words "Wow You Can Really Dance" made James Manzello, the author of the track, famous: today, more than 2 million videos have been shot to this sound (and that's only in TikTok!).
A little about the song and the performers....

James Manzello and Matt Pavich, known locally for Joking Off on MTV2, have created their own song of the summer! As a result, the track "Coincidance" became a mega-popular hit, although not immediately... The song was released in July 2015, and it took them at least 4 years to find out about it... However, the story of the collaboration between these two started much earlier!

Matt and James have been making comedy videos together for 10 years. Matt was only 16 when they met and was already focused on being creative, while James had already started making comedy videos and feature films. They work together as Handsome Dancer: together they've created dozens of videos! The latest video for the track 'Coincidance' was born from a pun James came up with years ago... But turning the term into a Eurotastic dance track was Matt's idea. James supported the idea and 30 minutes later Kiki and Choo Choo, the video's protagonists, were born. The clip was shot over a crazy sleepless weekend with the Converge production team and "lots of coffee".
The first was Kiki, whose brother is a champion wrestler. Despite this, Kiki stayed true to his love of dancing. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world was Choo Choo, who is described in the video as a "master of romance." Both Kiki and Choo Choo travelled the world following their passions until they crossed paths in Amsterdam. They realised they both loved dancing and said to each other, "What a coincidence!" Hence the title of the song! Their whole story was about the amazing coincidence of an unexpected connection that only formed because there are people who can treat certain things with the same love... Even though the music video was intended to be a comedy video, it still has a message of sorts - maybe a simple coincidence! But it could be the key to ending wars and achieving peace!
"The first person's name was Kiki.
He wore trousers like that.
His brother was a champion.
But Kiki loved to dance.
The second man was Chu Chu
The master of romance
He loved a damsel in distress,
But not as much as the dance
And then one day it happened,
They went out into the world,
They set out on a journey that
worshipped by boys and girls.
They've learnt so many lessons
In all foreign countries,
But wherever they ended up,
They never stopped dancing
One day at the railway station
In Amsterdam, by chance.
The man was standing next to
a man with a crooked eye
Then turned to face each other
to a friend. It was an accident,
that these two men would meet on the day
and do that faithful dance.
Wow, you can really dance
Wow, you can really dance
He went
He went
They said: we were both dancing the whole time.
What a coincidence!
And then they danced together,
Like no one has ever danced before
The diplomats danced
Then they cancelled all the wars (no more)
The whole world was celebrating
Without violence.
All because these people crossed paths.
What a coincidence!
Yeah, yeah...
Let's dance..."

You've probably seen people dancing to this sound on TikTok or other social media, but have you ever seen the original video? The video was directed and starring dancer James Manzello, aka American actor, comedian, musician and director. Manzello is also the creator of The Handsome Dancer YouTube channel, which features tonnes of catchy tunes and comedy dances.
Matt says James is a "girl" because he's a vegetarian, and James mocks Matt for genuinely believing he'd have a successful rap career someday, but otherwise they're like brothers....
Trend in TikTok!

And now directly about the trend itself! Even though the internet is full of a lot of sad news every single day, some people are still trying to spread positivity and cheer! You may have seen people jamming to this unusual song from several talented musicians on TikTok or social media. There are so many internet users addicted to this track now!
The audio consists of a short snippet of dialogue between two people, the characters of the song Kiki and Choo Choo, who exchange the words "Wow, you can really dance" with each other. This is followed by a quick and silly dance that tries to make the other person they are talking to laugh, to explode with unrestrained laughter. Curiously enough, when the song became a meme on the internet, many people didn't even know where it came from. This song has been trying to get people in the mood to dance for years, and now it's finally getting the attention it deserves!
The gist of the trend is pretty simple: you just need to move your shoulders in rhythm, tilting your head to look at the camera with a nonchalant face. The longer you do it or look at someone doing it, the more it seems impossible not to laugh at the silliness. In TikTok's videos, people get creative to make an already humorous song even sillier. They created their own dance pas, complete with weird outfits and funny facial expressions. It's definitely worth watching:

Besides the fun shrug, the song contains a lesson that really makes sense... With the intense movement and funky electric guitar we hear in the track, the music video contains a story that is relevant and useful in today's world. The song "Coincidance" is about two men: they come from different places, they have completely different upbringings, but without knowing it themselves (until the moment they meet), they share the same passion for dancing... And it's great!