Viral remix of "Roses" by Saint JHN from a guy from Kazakhstan!
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The song "Roses" performed by rapper Saint JHN is familiar to millions of listeners! The remix was searched for by over three million Shazam users! Of course, those who liked the track paid attention to the note in its title "Imanbek remix". Many people wondered: who is this? Well... The answer is as surprising as the success of the song itself!

"Imanbek remix" to rapper Sen John's "Roses" ...
A 19-year-old railway worker from Aksu has surpassed Eminem himself in popularity! The second breakthrough of "Roses" fame was provided by an ordinary railway worker from Aksu! Today, Imanbek Zeikenov's dynamic remix is known only to those who are far from popular music... How did the track by a 19-year-old guy from Kazakhstan go viral and overtake the hits of Eminem and Justin Bieber?
Who is Imanbek Zeikenov?
Imanbek Zeikenov is 19 years old. The guy lives in Aksu with his family, works as a signalling engineer on the railway, and... creates tracks on his laptop!
"...I remember I was just sitting at home listening to music on vk. The song "Roses" by Saint John came on and I wanted to experiment with it! It took me no more than two hours to create a remix... I posted my "masterpiece" on my vk wall, my friends appreciated it and that was it. I couldn't think about any fame... Only after a few months someone advised me to publish my work in one group, which had about a million subscribers. A lot of people appreciated my remix, and soon label producers started coming to me with offers to collaborate! It was cool and unexpected... I was in shock!" - Imanbek shared with correspondents.
In the end the guy chose the Russian label Effective records! Now the brand sells the viral remix of "Roses" on such popular platforms as Apple Music, Google Play Music, Spotify, BOOM...

Release and success
The official release was submitted in agreement with the original author. Of course, Imanbek is not personally acquainted with Sen John yet:
"...We don't know each other personally, but I've written to him. He hasn't replied yet..."

"...The remix entered the Top Charts after only four months after I recorded it! I didn't expect such a thing... I just did what I liked and decided to share my work with other listeners!" - said the young house music remixer.
Of course, from the sales of the remix on music platforms Imanbek is entitled to a good fee! What amount or percentage we are talking about - the guy doesn't say. The terms of the contract do not allow...
"Will these funds be enough to leave the main job? I think so, yes. But I'm not going to do that - I can't do that. As for my own studio - I don't need it. Not right now, anyway. I like to record music at home, with headphones, on a very ordinary laptop... As you can see - it turns out very well! - replied Imanbek.
"Imanbek remix" to "Roses" breaks all records! No2 in Shazam Russia, No7 - Shazam World, sixth line - Yandex Music chart, tenth place in Apple Music Top 100 Russia... Less than a year after its release, the remix reached Billboard Hot 100, taking 39th position! In the US, the track was listened to more often than Eminem's "Godzilla", or Lil Uzi's "Myron" and Justin Bieber's "Yummy".
In this situation, the most interesting thing to watch is Saint John! Just imagine: a successful rapper, with concerts and a million fans, who successfully recorded the soundtrack to "The Lion King" with the beautiful Beyonce... And then his track is remixed by an ordinary 19-year-old guy from Kazakhstan, who instantly conquers the world Top Charts!
And Imanbek can only be sincerely pleased: in fact, he has managed to realise the boldest dream of thousands of Russian musicians - to conquer the hearts of the West by knocking down the doors to the most prestigious chart of the world!