

Vocals Only: What our favourite rock hits sound like without music - Part Two

Top 6 favourite rock hits with vocals only. Part Two Rock compositions that have become iconic over the years are planned as a whole work of art or performance even at the stage of writing, so...

Reckless drumming, or the story of one surf-rock hit

The story of "Wipe Out" - one of the coolest instrumental surf rock hits in history "Wipe Out" is one of the most famous, beloved and controversial surf-rock hits....

How The Beatles and The Beach Boys took over the world of '60s music

The best albums of 1963 The 1960s was a time when world music stars were growing like mushrooms after the rain: bands were formed, albums were released, iconic songs were written, etc....

The Best Songs by Muslim Magomayev - TOP 10 (Part 2)

The 10 best songs of Muslim Magomayev... Part 2 For no one, - even for modern listeners, it's long been no secret that the repertoire of Muslim Magomaev is full of truly gorgeous...

She Loves You (1963) - The Beatles: All About the Song

How did "Beatlemania" begin? All about the song "She Loves You"... It was this song that sparked the beginning of what would later be called "Beatlemania"! Released in 1963...

Top 10 summer classic rock songs

Classic rock songs for a summer mood It's still winter outside, but you're already craving warmth and sunshine. You need to prepare for summer in advance. Beach attributes cost much more...