Top 6 favourite rock hits with vocals only. Part Two
Rock compositions that have become iconic over the years are planned as a whole work of art or performance even at the stage of writing, so...
History of the song "Six Days" (1970, 1971, 2002, 2006)
"Six Days" is a famous song from 2002-2006, made famous by the film Triple Furious: Tokyo Drift. Originally,...
9 concert albums from 1968-1972 that changed history...
Concert album... What is it? What is its uniqueness, its value? Why live recordings of the 70s - 80s today...
Story of one song: Yuri Antonov - No More Beautiful Than You (1969)
Yuri Antonov is like our Paul McCartney! Practically every song of his can be sung....
Top 20 most popular hits of the band Shocking Blue ("Shocking Blue")
Shocking Blue is one of the most beautiful bands that the twentieth century has bestowed upon the world.... The creativity of the Dutch...
All about Your Song (1970) and Sacrifice (1989) by Elton John!
He's a master piano player, a talented composer, and the legendary Rocketman! His mediocre appearance is...
Rock hits of the 70s: a selection from a decade of musical experimentation
The 70s is an amazing cultural layer of civilisation. And first of all in terms of music. It was a powerful breakthrough,...
Rock songs with instantly recognisable intros
Every entertainment product follows a well-established formula: The beginning should grab the consumer's attention, arouse the desire to view, read or listen to the...
Wedding songs of all time. Top 10
Wedding songs are timeless, and this list of the 10 most popular (and still popular today) songs from the 50s, 60s and...