TagsElton John

Elton John

Top 7 most famous alcoholic musicians

The most famous foreign musicians who suffered from alcoholism: their history, names, influence Creative activity is almost always associated with stress. Sleepless nights during the development of an album, negative reaction...

How Ed Sheeran and Elton John recorded a Christmas single together

About the joint Christmas duet between Ed Sheeran and Elton John "Merry Christmas" is a joint single by Ed Sheeran and Elton John. As is not hard to guess based on the...

Music stars' most famous scandals

'Clash of the Titans': 8 celebrity couples who can't stand each other ... Musicians are known for their outrageous behaviour - from throwing TVs out of hotel room windows to...

The most popular performers of the 70s!

Successful musical artists of the 1970s... Many listeners remembered the 1970s for the break-up of the legendary The Beatles.... However, the new decade gave the world of music new geniuses! Their names are familiar...

Elton John - Your Song (1970) / Sacrifice (1989)

All about Your Song (1970) and Sacrifice (1989) by Elton John! He's a master piano player, a talented composer, and the legendary Rocketman! His mediocre appearance is...

Top 10 richest rock musicians for 2019

Top 10 richest rock stars in the world for 2019 Being a rock star is the dream of millions. After all, who doesn't want the fame, success and lifestyle that rock stars enjoy?...