Soviet blues - history of development and main representatives of the genre

History of Soviet blues: emergence, development and representatives In the history of music, it is difficult to define a clear framework for the emergence of this or that genre; as a rule, one follows from the other...

Distribution of vinyl in the USSR

Vinyl records in the USSR One of the alternative options for listening to music in the modern world are vinyl records, the history of which begins back in the 1950s of the last century....

Modern Talking's first television appearance in Europe and the USSR

Modern Talking's first appearance in the USSR and Europe Modern Talking to this day remain one of the most famous Eurodance bands of the 80s, who brought the world of music with danceable netlensions....

Not just a musician: what Viktor Tsoi worked as during his life

Viktor Tsoi's works beyond music Viktor Tsoi is one of the key figures of Russian rock. His work with the band Kino is practically a folk treasure, and his fanbase...

History of Soviet cassette recorders

Magnetophones in the USSR Listening to music has always been an interesting activity, but much more curious was the history of certain devices used to play tracks. В...

The most powerful alliance on the allied stage: Antonov and Fadeev

Songs by Yury Antonov: the best tracks and composer's work for films Many iconic Soviet pop artists did not immediately discover their talent. For some, it all began...

"House Of Horrors", or "Ghost With A Motor" - how the famous tune from the animated film "The Kid and Carlson" came to be

Melody from the cartoon "The Kid and Carlson": history of creation, appearance on Soviet screens Behind each melody there is a story. For shows and cartoons, which began to gain...

We recall Soviet pop legend Vadim Mulerman and his iconic "tiryam-tiryam"

All about Vadim Mulerman: the fate of the Soviet singer and his main hits Many years have passed since the time when the still black and white TV screens showed concerts of popular...

The best Soviet space film: Star Wars wasn't even around then!

"Planet of Storms" by Pavel Klushantsev: a space Soviet film The theme of space has always worried mankind. To this day, the best minds of modernity are still debating whether it is possible to meet...