What happened to the members of "Tatu" and why they parted ways
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Formed at sunset 1990-х, Russian band t.A.T.u. has achieved a resounding successes all over the world! Their tracks have topped foreign charts and their music videos are gaining millions of views even nowadays, which shows that the duo's creativity continues to find a fervent response in the hearts of new generations... Them scandalous image made history: two girls. schoolgirlswho are in love with each other - there has never been anything like this before or since. And it's unlikely to happen, because it's "Tattoo." became innovators, pioneers, who were not afraid to go against the rules, as a result of which they made a fortune! But after releasing their third album, the girls split up... Many years have passed, but loyal fans are still wondering: is there a chance for the revival of the cult project? The answer, alas, is categorical. Why are the ways Lena Katina и Julie Volkova lying on opposite sides of the roadside? What really drove the girls apart, and how it turned out the fate of the legendary Tatu after the project?

The release of the third album marked the final and irreversible split... By then, the o "Tattoo." They became the most popular Russian pop group in the world, a success that no one could surpass!

They were loved in Russia, America, England and in many other countries. But after the release of the second record "People with Disabilities" their popularity gradually went down... Many critics are sure: it is due to the fact that Alexander Voytinskyone of the founders, left the project. Anyway, and in 2009 the year the band was effectively defunct. Shortly before that, the girls had committed huge mistakewhich tarnished their reputation and caused most of their fans to turn their backs on the once much-loved duo....
В 2008 Lena and Yulia made a big announcement the year before: they were are not as a couple, and there has never been a romantic connection between them. This confession thundered like a thunder for millions of fans around the world, because earlier even journalists were sure that the girls were dating. And with it, the duo's image faded - t.A.T.u. were no longer of any interest to the public and underground. Now they were just girls who had matured noticeably since their start, and, as it turned out, were dating guys ....

Popularity began to fly downhill at the speed of light, and it was soon announced that the disintegration. The first to leave the project Volkova. Katina had no choice but to go on a solo voyage.....
Small world: subsequent co-creation and... dislike

Much to the dismay of fans, about revival scandalous project no go and speech. Over the years of joint creativity between the girls accumulated irreconcilable differences and offences, which have not died down to this day. For example, the interview Ksenia Sobchak the singers gave separate statements. At the same time, each accused her ex-colleague of splitting. Volkova said that Katina categorically is against the reunion, while Lena claims that it was Yulia who created bonded termsThe girl also said that Volkova threatened her to find a new red-haired lead singer and throw Lena out of the group.
Ivan Shapovalov, who was also interviewed, affirmatively stated that his own withdrawal played no small part in this...
Nevertheless, in the years since their breakup, the girls have managed to reunite several times, though only for commercial purposes rather than for heartfelt reasons. A pleasant and at the same time completely unexpected surprise for fans was their joint track "Follow Me."released in 2017 year.
In 2018, the duo presented previously written but unreleased demos in honour of the project's 19th anniversary, even playing a series of concerts to mark the occasion! But on this way Lena and Yulia finally separated.
What do singers do today?

В 2009 the year the two girls set about building solo career. Since Yulia was the first to leave the project, we propose to start with her...
Yulia Volkova

Volkova quit "Tattoo." without any regrets. As it later turned out, she had constant conflicts with the producer Boris Rensky. At one point the man stated that he no longer intended to listen to these "ramblings" and put up with Julia's boorish attitude to the case. In fact, he refused to co-operate with her further.....
In 2011, she unveiled two solo tracks "Rage." и "Woman All The Way Down"and a year later she performed "Back to Her Future" in a duet with Dima Bilan at the Eurovision qualifying round.
Several new singles were released before Yulia had to go to the operating table: an immediate removal was required. tumours thyroid gland, but the surgery didn't go off without a trace... The doctors accidentally hit a vocal cordsThe singer later underwent several more surgeries that gave her back at least the ability to speak. Later, the singer underwent several more surgeries, which gave her back the ability to at least speak. The difficult rehabilitation is still ongoing....
However, this did not prevent Julia from continuing to pursue music. В 2014 a track came out in the year "Love is in every moment."recorded together with Katina and other artists. It was followed by solo "Keep it close," "Save the world, people." и "Just forget.". In 2020, the artist appeared on the show "Superstar! The Comeback." (NTV). Later she entered politics.

On the personal front, Volkova's life was fast, but complicated. Back in 2006, there were rumours that the singer was getting ready to marry the Vlada Topalovawith whom she had been in close contact since the days of "Neposedi", but soon journalists began to see Yulia more often in the company of Parviza Yasinova. As a result, the girl rejected Vlad, who had already proposed to her, in favour of the son of an influential businessman. But she got burned again... Parviz became a father SamiraThe second child of the singer. The firstborn is Victoria, whom Yulia gave birth to in 19 Yulia fell in love with the man at that time. At that time, young Yulia fell in love with the man, but soon after the birth of her daughter, he left her, saying that he already had a wife and children.

As for Yasinov, Yulia broke up with him in 2010 without explanation... Later in the girl's life appeared a thief in law George ZarandiaVolkova then dated an American man, but the romance also failed, so the singer decided to take the plunge. Then Volkova met with an American, but this romance also failed, as a result of which the singer decided to abortion.
Elena Katina

Regarding Katinathen after T.A.T.U. broke up, she had a terrible. depressionand it wasn't long before the girl moved to Los Angeleswhere she continued to perform and record. In 2011, she and the band Belanova released a joint track "Tic Toc.". That same year, Lena performed at the Lunas del Auditorio Awards in Mexico and also held an online charity concert, the money from which went to help children affected by the natural disaster in . Japan. According to the performer herself, she thought about a solo career back in the period of "Tatu", in the 2005 year. The girl also admitted that participation in the project was very exhausting and contributed to nervous breakdowns, especially towards the end, when Julia's behaviour became unbearable...
Katina continued her collab series by collaborating with artists such as. Clark Owen, T-killah, Sergei Galoyan, Noemi Smorrah. and others. And her music videos "An Invitation" и "Golden Leaves." were highly praised by critics, and even won awards at film festivals in the USA! In short, the career has not faded away... Many fans believe that Lena has stepped much further than her ex-colleague on "Tatu".

Her debut single "Never Forget." topped the charts on both sides of the Atlantic, and its music video showed that Lena had no intention of returning to co-operation with Yulia. The singer later admitted that dedicated song to her former friend from the duet, their youth and concert pranks! However, Volkova did not appreciate the gesture, characterising the composition as "tedium.". It's very offended Lena.
The singer returned to Moscow only in 2015. She also gave birth to a son there Alexandrawhose father is the Slovenian rocker Sasho Kuzmanovic. The couple met in the States, and the man long sought the red-haired beauty, and in 2013 made his beloved a proposal on the ocean! But, alas, the couple broke up after 7 years of relationship ....

Today Katina releases new songs, and sometimes appears on television, for example - viewers were very moved by her performance with the David Manoogian as part of the show "Duets."where the couple performed a song "Don't go crazy.".
Lena herself describes herself as a believer, and also confesses that she adores the cook tasty dishes! The singer has a special preference for soups and pasta... In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that her heart is open for love and another baby.