Mikhail Shufutinsky, hit about the third of September and tons of memes on the Internet - The secret of popularity of one autumn song
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Mikhail Shufutinsky - a Russian pop legend, one of the most successful chansonnier of our country. But today he is known not only by his fans, who saw the musician at the height of his powers and energy, but also by his fans, who are now in the prime of his life. modern - a very young generation! Even schoolchildren you know that the song is about third of September - Shufutinsky's hit song. But where did such rabid popularity come from? Of course, this composition is very successful and loud, but to have the impact of a hit in the genre of chanson has spread to the youth?! That's new!
The story behind the emergence of the autumn hit

Song "Third of September." is firmly associated with the name Shufutinskyexcept it was written by a completely different person! Composer Igor Krutoy composed a tender melody, and Igor Nikolaev - lyrical stuffing. The composition is not just autumnal, but it is also sad: the lyrical hero sings about breaking up with his sweetheart, which just happened to be on the third of September... And so, every year he's flips the calendar and, seeing this date, bitterly recalls a painful love fiasco.
In 1981, Shufutinsky emigrated to the United StatesHowever, after about 10 years, he returned to his homeland. He began to perform extensively and soon had the opportunity to fulfil a potential future hit! The artist met with Igor Krutyand soon he offered him his new creation about the third of September! In fact, the song was originally meant to be for another of the artiste. But only Shufutinsky could reward her with a proper performance - in the best traditions Russian chanson. And that was a bull's-eye!

The public quickly fell in love this heartfelt lyricism and evocative pleasurable nostalgia The song soon became a real smash hit, bringing back the love of the Russian people to Shufutinsky! But it is unlikely that its popularity would be as frenzied nowadays, if the song had not become meme! And more importantly, what could be so funny about such a sad compositions? But savvy youngsters have found something to latch on to.....
How Shufutinsky became a meme

As is often the case, wild popularity swept over the song about the third of September quite by accident! There's been jokes on the net for a while now about the alleged American rapper Rick Ross - Shufutinsky's twin brother, only black. It's all because of solid vegetation on the faces of the musicians. And so, in the midst of all this noise. 2011 A popular VK community published the following meme:

In the blink of an eye, he became viral! Soon it began endless series jokes like this, for example:

Also, this meme is very relevant among schoolchildren - Summer's over, and the kids are left with the bitterness flip the calendar on the third of September.

Even a horror film "Shine." in here!

And later, even one like this roller made a collab!
All in all, the excitement is total! The performer himself of the acclaimed hit song admits that he finds this kind of creativity from internet users very much a amusing:
"Well, that sounds pretty sweet! The devils know how to do it!"
Often this song is used for demonstrations of sadnessgrief, sadness - but only to make it look funny, of course. To emphasise, so to speak. comicality of the moment.
So why "the third of September" specifically, and how that date became iconic for the performer

For years, listeners have wondered why, in fact, third September? What is that date so significant? But the history of the song less romanticAccording to the author of the words Igor Nikolaev, it's just that this word combination is good set to music. And it's hard to imagine that another date - the fifth or thirtieth of September, for example - would sound like this succinctlyas a third.
Shufutinsky himself also claimed that in his life since the third of September. unrelated any highlights. But things changed in 1995 year, a few years after the song was written: on the third of September was born first grandchild an artiste! Since then, this date has taken on a meaning after all!