Skinty Fia album (2022) by Fontaines D.C.
Irish group Fontaines D.C. has shared her new album titled Skinty Fia (2022). The track list of the record consists of of nine musical compositions, and it premiered on 22 April 2022. Critics labelled this release as one of the most interesting of the year, and the album was recognised as one of the most interesting of the year has rightfully. The musical compositions of the record "Skinty Fia" (2022) can be compared to the pace of life on the Wild Westthey'd be perfect for film soundtracks about cowboys riding their horse across the desert in a hat and high boots.

As a reminder, the Fontaines D.C. group. was formed in 2017, during its existence the band has not yet experienced a change of members, so, to date, it consists of a guitarist and backing vocalist Carlos O'Connell, guitarist. Conor Curley, bass guitarist. Conor Diagan ||||, vocalist. Griana Chattena and the drummer Toma Colla.
The album "Skinty Fia" (2022) received the much attention from listeners and critics from all over the world, due to its unconventional presentation and, of course, the talent of the musicians of the band. Even the cover of the album looks quite original, because it has a deer on it, that in the house and yet the room is lit up mysterious red light.