Album "Heaven, Wait" (2022) by Ghostly Kisses
The album "Heaven, Wait" (2022) from American singer Ghostly Kisses was released in a relatively recent period, but has already loved by many listeners. The album includes. ten of musical compositions, each of which has own historyIt is a characteristic of its own, but it is nevertheless united by one common idea. For singer Margot Sauvé, the album "Heaven, Wait" is her debut album, so she is particularly pleased with the positive . reviews of his fans and listeners, relatively this work.
The album's musical compositions tell the story of transitionsabout going from friendship to lovesfrom life to deathsfrom loneliness to relationshipsfrom childhood and carefree to adulthood and responsibilitiesfrom a dark time in life to light and so on. This album reflects it in the best possible way transitionwhich tends to be talked about enough few. The most commonly talked about bad or about goodbut oh. transition from bad to good, nobody usually talks.
The album gives listeners mysterious atmosphereThe album's tracks mesmerise the listener from the very first lines with romantic overtones and of course melancholy the singer's vocals. Incidentally, it was Margot's vocals that the critics noted, which they consider to be . good enough. Many are sure that the album's tracks will be remembered for years to come and will remain in history because they tell not about current issuesand about eternities. Whether it will or not remains to be seen. only timeIn the meantime, it remains to enjoy the album's ten beautiful musical compositions Margot Sauvé. "Heaven, Wait" (2022).