Raw Data Feel" album (2022) by Everything Everything
20 May 2022 British music group Everything Everything has shared their new album, which is originally titled Raw Data Feel (2022). The record was produced by band guitarist Alex Robertshaw, in a short time the album became popular with listeners who were incredibly fond of it vocal component compositions. As for the subject matter of the tracks on Raw Data Feel (2022), it is quite complex. The tracks of the album tell about the fact that a person has received a some kind of traumaprobably from being separated from a loved one that he's trying to drown out with modern technology, which of course. completely useless - it only makes the black hole in it bigger.

As a reminder, the band Everything Everything was formed In 2007, it was formed by three talented musicians, however, today the group consists of four members, including Jonathan HiggsJeremy Pritchard, Michael Spearman and the previously mentioned Alex Robertshaw.
The album "Raw Data Feel" (2022) is. the sixth in the band's discography, all previous records have been warmly received by critics and listeners and, it must be admitted, the last album of the collective is not is an exception.