Why Zhanna Aguzarova failed to fulfil the "American dream"
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At the end of the '80s, the domestic queen of epatage. Zhanna Aguzarova left the Bravo group, and soon disappeared completely from the radar. The media put forward the most ridiculous versions, allegedly Soviet Martian returned to her home planet. But it was later revealed that Jeanne had travelled conquer America! Alas, her brilliant dreams were not destined to come true. In the United States Aguzarova did not achieve the desired fame, she frayed her nerves, and when she returned to her home country she became recluse.
The singer herself, for obvious reasons, dislikes to remember this period. Therefore, today we will endeavour to reproduce all five years of the struggle for the "American Dream."relying on on the stories of loved ones The following are some of the people she has interviewed Nika Poltoranina - her then common-law husband, who, unlike Jeanne, had managed to fit in in the West.
A limo driver and a "cosmos" on a skyscraper.
Gradually, Jeanne spent in the United States all the moneyand so she had to earn money - and not by singing. Promoter Sergey Lavrov claims that for a while, the singer was limousine driver!
"In five years in a foreign land, she's worked her way up to limousine driver!"
In turn, Bravo's producer Evgeny Fridlyand and even claimed that in America, Jeanne. impoverished:
"She quickly used up all her money, she was turned down on the radio, the American stage was closed to her. So she got the biggest 'space' of her life - she slept on a cot on the roof of a skyscraper for several nights! It was a 'cosmos' to say the least!"
"I had a dream, but I got burned."
The then common-law husband Jeanne, Nick Poltoraninrecalled how the singer woke up one morning and said: "I'm going to America! And you're coming with me!"
"In Russia, Zhanna was very much loved, and she was sure that she would become the second Madonna in the USA. I didn't want to contradict her - Jeanne has a God-given character! Of course, it was a huge risk. But at that time we felt some support - back in Yalta we met a man who promised to promote Zhanna in America. Allegedly he had connections and everything. But in fact he took $50,000 from us and screwed us over! He said that the suitcase with Zhanna's money and records was lost at the airport, and soon this fraudster disappeared altogether...".
The couple continued believe in the best - Jeanne and Nick tried their own efforts to get on the radio, but it didn't work out:
"We were told to work on the accent, which, as you realise, is not a matter of two days."
A ray of hope
Nevertheless, Jeanne continued to believe in the "American Dream.". According to Nick, she was even the instigator for them to give up alcohol and cigarettes!
"Every morning we'd pull on our suits and go for a run!"
At first, the couple didn't need money: Jeanne and Nick rented the luxurious rooms in luxury hotels, which sometimes cost up to $1,000. in 24 hours!
"We lived in the Plaza Hotel, went to elite restaurants - in a word, threw money around without a second thought! We believed in the best until the last, apparently we were too naive..."
Realisation and despair
But there's no way better times were not stepped on. Jeanne was asked to sing in the Russian quarterShe was in the National, but she felt uncomfortable there. Gradually, her faith faded…
"There were people ready to work with Jeanne, but she was unhappy with the conditions - by nature she is far from being the easiest person. She sang in a restaurant, but it was destroying her morally. She was planning to outshine Madonna, and here was the Russian quarter... That's how our relationship cracked during these five years: Jeanne started to blame me, saying why hadn't I talked her out of this trip. I only consoled her - what else could I do?", Nick said.
In 1995, Jeanne couldn't take itAfter calling Igor Nikolaev and finding out about the situation in Russia, she decided to return to her homeland. True - not with her head held high. That was the end of her relationship with Nick concluded - the man remained in the United States, being "guilty of all the deadly sins."
One last thing
In America, Zhanna still managed to record with the leader of the band Centre Vasily Shumov - it's about the album "Nineteen Ninety's.". By the way: "Ninety's. (which means 90) - that was Jeanne's pseudonym abroad. After returning to her homeland, the singer surprised the public with her now truly Martian style, and soon disappeared again - this time she didn't go anywhere, just became a recluse.
Her ex-partner Nick built marital happiness with someone called Natalia (also from Russia) and he became actor. In his own words, even filmed on the same set with the Angelina Jolie и Nicole Kidman!
"She broke down and left in a hurry. Now I've grown connections and with the current state of affairs I could spin her off... But what's the point of talking about it anymore?"