Top 10 Best Alizée Songs (Alizée)
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If you dive into the biography of this French singer, it immediately becomes clear how surprisingly easy and fast she moved towards fame in spite of everything! Alizée, which in French means "passat" or sea wind, gratefully accepted all the chances that fate gave her!

In many ways, that's why she ended up on stage, in the spotlight... Although in her dreams she saw herself in a completely different sphere.
Despite the downfalls and failures that every artist has a place in his or her destiny, Alizée has managed to win the hearts of millions of fans....
We cannot say that Alizée's career developed "as usual": it includes a broken contract with a famous producer, and pauses (the so-called "creative crisis")... Moreover, the sweet-voiced Frenchwoman managed to experiment with the direction of her music! And it is worth noting - quite successfully.
And everything came easy to Alizee! Although... maybe it was just an appearance?
The period from 2007 until now has been an experimental one for Alizée. Each new album of the singer was significantly different from the previous one, which only aroused the interest of critics and fans... Since the breakup with Milen Farmer, the popular "Lolita" released 4 records. Some were successful, some were not... But this did not stop the determined Frenchwoman! To this day, Alizée continues to delight her fans with live performances, participation in various TV shows and searching for herself!

Curiously, the singer herself admitted that for her - the popularity of an artiste consists 50% of image:
"First of all, a person looks for what they like in an artiste... And it's not only music, but also image, mannerisms, style..."
Alizée's 10 most-awesome songs!
We suggest to dive into a pleasant nostalgia and enjoy ten of the most luxurious hits of the French performer!
Eden, Eden (2010)
Par Les Paupieres (2007).
A contre courant (2003)
Hey Amigo (2003)
A cause de l'automne (2012)
Gourmandises (2000)
Blonde (2014)
L'Alize (2000)
J'en ai marre! (2003)
Moi... Lolita (2000)