The life story of a Hollywood actor named Morgan Freeman
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Morgan Freeman is a well-known American actoralso writer и narrator. Prize winner "Oscar.". Morgan Freeman is famous for having performed over ninety roles in both motion pictures and television over the course of fifty years.

The Hollywood film star is also known for one wise phrase of hers, which is as follows: "Being an actor is easy, but becoming one is hard." He won the hearts of the public and TV viewers thanks to his brilliant participation in such films as "Million Dollar Baby", "Escape from Shawshank" and others. Today I want to devote a whole article to the biography and interesting cases from the life of this outstanding man. Enjoy reading!
Childhood and teenage years, Morgan's family, relationships with relatives, dreams and thoughts about the future
Morgan was born in early June 1937 in Memphis, in the south of the United States. His parents were doctors and met just the same in a medical facility during working hours. His name the future actor received from the head of the family - his father. Some time in the family Freeman everything was fine, but it did not last long. Soon after the birth of a baby sister, the parents decided to part ways. The reason for this was the alcohol dependence of the father. The mother of the future film star although it was quite religious, but could not tolerate a drunkard husband. However, after a couple of years, she forgave her husband, who came to her with a promise never to use alcohol again. After the lovers were reunited, they decided to move to Chicago in search of jobs. The children, three-year-old Morgan and his younger sister, were sent to be raised by their paternal grandmother.

After the death of his father's mother in 1943, his parents decided to take the children to their home in Chicago. It was there that little Morgan first went to school, where he learnt about humiliation. However, this did not last long. The mother of the children's mother, once came to visit the Freeman family, decided to take the guys to live with her. It was that time that the future film star will remember as the happiest time in the world. In Greenwood, the boy was educated in a special school for blacks. It was those teachers and instructors made Morgan believe that he will certainly manage to get out in the people and become famous. Thanks to the support of adults, Morgan began to believe in himself. At the age of eight, the boy enrolled in the library, books from which he began to read with great pleasure. At the age of twelve, Morgan Freeman had to return again to Chicago, where he began to attend the theatre circle, in which he soon became a star. After graduating from a simple school and receiving a certificate of general education, the future film star entered a military school to specialise as a pilot. However, he soon realised that this profession is not for him.
The beginning of the acting journey, first auditions and auditions for films, films and roles.
After graduating from military school Morgan Freeman went to Los Angeles. There the aspiring actor tried to get any role, but all his efforts were completely in vain. Morgan sincerely did not understand why he so often have to hear the refusals. He was then twenty-one years old. Naturally, neither money nor connections at the beginning of the actor at that time was not. Therefore, he again decides to move, already in New York. There Morgan Freeman was able to find work in the theatre, but it did not bring him almost no pleasure. Like this, the actor lived in New York for about twenty-five years.

In a short period from 1975 to 1984, the actor was able to get roles in the films "Blank Image" and "Eyewitness". However, fame came to Morgan a little later. In 1984, the future movie star got a role in the film "Harry and Son", after the screening of which, Freeman finally noticed the filmmakers. The real triumph and fame fell on Morgan in 1986 after the release of the film called "Street Smart". It was for this character actor was nominated for an Oscar. However, a truly masterpiece period can be called the interval from 1991 to 1994. It is then that Morgan Freeman becomes a world-class actor. By the way, he was then fifty-four years old. Most film critics and directors did not understand how film workers could not for twenty-five years to recognise in Freeman an outstanding movie star.
In 1995, there was a film adaptation of the film called "Seven". In it, Morgan Freeman played in a duet with Brad Pitt. The film belongs to the genre of thrillers and horror with creepy scenes. By the way, it should be remembered that the filmmakers thought that most likely to get a refusal of Morgan Freeman to participate in this film. However, the opposite happened. After the screen adaptation, the actor will tell you that he was attracted not so much by the plot as by the promised fee. It is a known fact that Morgan became famous as a film star, who, indeed, is interested in the monetary component. In the interval of ten years since 2004, the actor starred in more than thirty films. And by the way, he has already at that time reached a level where he can voice his own terms to film directors and producers.
Morgan Freeman's personal life and relationships, his children and family
It is a known fact that the actor has two illegitimate sons. Morgan's first wife was Jeanette, who in 79 gave birth to a daughter to the actor. However, the couple soon parted. The next companion in Freeman's life was a costume designer named Myrna, whose marriage lasted about thirty years.

However, in 2010, lovers unexpectedly announce a divorce.Very soon after the breakup became known dubious information that Morgan had an affair with his adopted granddaughter, who soon leaves his life, by the way, under strange circumstances. Currently, the actor prefers not to comment on his personal life.