

The craziest and most ridiculous theories about the Beatles according to Fuzz Music Magazine

Today we've collected the craziest and most ridiculous theories about the Beatles that might shock you!

Top of the craziest The Beatles conspiracy theories that have a place after all

Decades after the fact. "The Beatles" changed the landscape of pop culture, they still inspire today's performers! However, fans are also inspired by the band, and so over the years have come up with a host of conspiracy theories: from the switch of the Paula McCartney to a sold soul John Lennon - Yeah, the fans "The Beatles." clearly all is well with the imagination! Today we have collected the craziest and most ridiculous theories about the Beatles that may shock you! But try to stay sane, because all the events described below take a rather curious shape... What if one of these theories is true?

Who really took out John Lennon.

Writer Robert Rosen
Writer Robert Rosen

John Lennon's fans have put forward a version according to which the musician's killer is not at all Mark Chapmanbut the writer Robert Rosen! According to one user on a foreign forum, the author of the book "The Man from Nowhere: The Last Days of John Lennon." colluded with former Air Force personnel! Using a fake name, Rosen - along with Secretary of State Hans Mark - organised Lennon's murder... Why they wanted to do this is not entirely clear, but nevertheless the theory attracted a lot of attention.

Another theory is that John Lennon was taken out... Stephen King!

Stephen King
Stephen King

By now you're probably thinking, "Why would Stephen King kill John Lennon?" Well, Stephen Lightfoot explains it on his website. Lightfoot states that Stephen King, Richard Nixon and Ronald Wilson Reagan all acted on behalf of CIA and communicated through headlines in "TIME," "Newsweek," and other similar periodicals, working together to destroy John Lennon... It is also believed that Mark Chapman was not crazy at all: in fact, he was supposedly a CIA agent on a mission... According to the same theory, for some reason, Lennon's work and worldview were a threat to America of the Reagan era. So the president put together a team to get rid of him.

Instead of Paul McCartney, his clone was embedded in the band

Paul McCartney could have been a clone.
Paul McCartney could have been a clone.

In September. 1969 of the year, American students published papers claiming to hold the clues to the supposed demise of the McCartney can be found among the texts and illustrations of the records "Beatles.". In their opinion, a clone of Paul had been introduced into the band instead of Paul!

Another theory has also been put forward that Paul was captured by the Illuminati after an accident in France! This is probably the best of many Beatles theories.

Instead of musicians, there were completely different people performing

The Beatles
"The Beatles"

Most of the evidence presented for this theory is based on discrepancies in height, changes in appearance and manner of behaviour: for example, some members of the "The Beatles." appear to be left-handed and sometimes right-handed.

In addition, in 1994, a college student Chris Fishel stated that, in fact, of the band members, only Paul McCartney was the real (i.e. not a clone) one. According to Fishel, the other members "The Beatles" passed away back in the '60s... Fishel claims that the first person to pass away Ringo Starr allegedly in 1963. He was followed by George Harrison in 1964 and John Lennon in 1965.

The obsession of the group members

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
The Beatles' album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)

According to one theory, "The Beatles" were in a coven of rock 'n' roll witches! In the song "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." Paul sings that it was "20 years ago today..." and it became clear to those convinced of the Beatles' satanic conspiracy that Paul was of course referring to the passing of an occultist Aleister Crowley... One can easily connect all the dots, and through 20 or 30 rhetorical and utterly meaningless connections we find that the Beatles were part of a satanic coven in Hollywood, founded by Crowley and frequented by other devil-worshippers including "Rolling Stones" и "Led Zeppelin.".

If that's not enough evidence for you that the Beatles really did worship dark forces, here's a theory to consider David Richardswho's pretty sure John Lennon tried to summon a demon during a performance. "Across The Universe". In his message, he writes that John Lennon sings "Jai Guru Deva." ("Hail to the Divine Guru"). In Theosophy, a Deva is a spiritual entity that manipulates and directs human behaviour... Luciferians believe they are possessed by these entities when they harm innocent people.

Also, following one of the theories, "The Beatles." sold their souls. In addition, the band turned the youth of the world against their parents and Christianity with their music.

The curse of "Helter skelter".

Charles Manson
Charles Manson

The founder of a deadly gang Charles Manson claimed he had a telepathic link with the lads from Liverpool. So strong, in fact, that he was convinced the White Album was speaking directly to him. It was this record that Manson said got him over the legal line....

The true origin and purpose of the Beatles

The Beatles
"The Beatles"

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Neo-Hindu preacher, founder of Transcendental Meditation and programme "TM-Sidhi.". It was he who allegedly created "The Beatles." (as well as "The Beach Boys" и "Rolling Stones") for the purpose of political manipulation related to the occult. Also, according to one theory, the group was part of the "The Aquarius Conspiracy."! Dr John Coleman believes that "The Committee of 300." decided to change the youth of the 60's with different substances and new ideas that they needed to fixate on....

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